We comply with the Equalities Act 2010 and with the General Data Protection Requirements (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
As our equality, diversity and inclusion policy sets out, we expect everyone who works with or for us to uphold these principles. We aim to treat our employees and residents with respect, ensuring equality, fairness and dignity are central to the way that we work and carry out our duties.
We have a single equalities action plan that supports Sutton Housing Society’s integration and continuous improvement of its equality, diversity and inclusion work.
There is a resident disability forum, which meets about three times a year to discuss relevant topics and to learn about support that is available in the local area. We will publish minutes from these meetings as they become available.
For further information on support available to people living with various disabilities, please visit the Sutton Information Hub website.
Sutton Housing Resident’s App
Our Resident’s App gives you 24/7 access to many services and to information specific to you. This simple tool means that everything from your rent statements to scheme information can be accessed anytime, anywhere with the tap of a button.
Find out more about our Resident AppThe resident app makes it easy to deal with Sutton Housing Society.
Nigel Coo, resident